Wednesday, December 29, 2010

80's: Fashion

Fashion in the 80's was just... brilliant. To be perfectly honest, I don't really know that much about the 80's. However, when I hear 80's fashion I think of two things: big hair and shoulder pads.

First lets talk about shoulder pads.

(credit goes to

I admit, shoulder pads facinate me. I don't really understand why women would want to look like they have big shoulders and small heads, but I guess it could be balanced out by the big hair. I'm guessing that women in the 80's looked top-heavy if they combined the two. Nevertheless, shoulder pads seem pretty cool. Why can't we wear shoulder pads now days?

Big hair. Perhaps the most outstanding thing (in my opinion) from the 1980's. I think that in every 80's movie I have ever seen, there was a girl with big hair. A while ago I did a rather intense research project on Barbie. Barbie is the perfect indicator of fashion trends of each decade. Big hair and crazy makeup must have been popular if even Barbie followed suit and totally rocked the big hair.

(credit goes to

Big hair and shoulder pads. Why wasn't I lucky enough to live in that generation? Why can't I be able to look back at photos of myself as a teenager and think "WHAT was I wearing?!" Two reasons why I wish I were a teenager in the 1980's.

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