I don't care to add any personal information about myself on the internet, so I'll try to be vague. I'm your normal everyday teenage girl; I go to school just like anyone else, and I'm just as interested in music, movies, and celebrities as any stereotypical teenage girl. However there are two things that separate me from any ordinary teenage girl. For one, I can type full words that make sense (no "and i was lyk OMG" for me!). Two: I love living in the 21st century, but sometimes I'm actually pretty dissapointed with this generation. We have nothing to show for ourselves! What are we going to be remembered for? Loving sparkly vampires (Twilight) and constantly texting? Sometimes I wish I lived in a different time period. As a matter of fact, if I were to have been born in a different time of my choosing, I would pick being a teenager in the 50's-60's era or the 80's. 50's-60's just seems so... fun! I mean, some of my favorite songs come from around this time! As for the 80's, do I even have to say anything? Everything about the 80's is amazing! The hair, the shoulder pads, the music, and lets not forget the movies.
So basically this blog is where I try to show how great previous decades were. Although I won't be able to update very often (I'm pretty busy with school), I'll do my best to keep the flow of updates constant. Happy reading!
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